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This function creates a new 'Quarto' document (.qmd file) with either a custom or standard YAML header. When using a custom header, it integrates with `froggeR::settings()` for reusable metadata across documents.


  filename = "frogs",
  path = here::here(),
  custom_yaml = TRUE,
  .initialize_proj = FALSE



Character string. The name of the file without the '.qmd' extension. Only letters, numbers, hyphens, and underscores are allowed.


Character string. Path to the project directory.


Logical. If TRUE (default), creates a 'Quarto' document with a custom YAML header using values from `_variables.yml`. If FALSE, creates a standard 'Quarto' document.


Logical. TRUE only if starting a froggeR::quarto_project().


Invisibly returns NULL after creating the 'Quarto' document.


When `custom_yaml = TRUE`, the function will check if `_variables.yml` exists. This file is needed to supply Quarto document metadata in the `path` project. The user will be prompted with help if they don't already exist, and a Quarto document with the default template will be supplied instead.


# Create a temporary directory for testing
tmp_dir <- tempdir()

# Write the Quarto & associated files for a custom YAML with reusable metadata
write_quarto(path = tempdir(), filename = "frog_analysis")
#>  No project-level or global settings file found.
#>  Created _variables.yml
#>  Created _quarto.yml
#>  Created custom.scss
#>  Created frog_analysis.qmd with custom YAML

# Write the Quarto file with a template requiring more DIY
write_quarto(path = tempdir(), filename = "frog_analysis_basic", custom_yaml = FALSE)
#>  Created frog_analysis_basic.qmd 

# Confirm the file was created (optional, for user confirmation)
file.exists(file.path(tmp_dir, "frog_analysis.qmd"))
#> [1] TRUE
file.exists(file.path(tmp_dir, "frog_analysis_basic.qmd"))
#> [1] TRUE

# Clean up: Remove the created file
unlink(list.files(tempdir(), full.names = TRUE), recursive = TRUE)